Fundraising is hard.
We make it easy.

We’ve helped our clients secure $7B+ in funding from investors like


Recent Client Wins


More than just fundraising

As investors, investment bankers, operators, and CFOs, we know how to strategize and build successful businesses

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Select Startup Clients

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"I’ve seen the before and after on Lyonshare decks and the difference is simple–uninvestable/investable."

Capital Raiser


“Lyonshare changed how we communicated our story to a much more clear, concise and compelling reason to invest. While the value proposition was there, Kelly helped us identify the true sustainable differentiators and we oversubscribed our round to the 20% max.”

Series B Founder

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Strategic Finance

  • Fractional CFO and corporate development
  • Business planning, financial modeling, KPIs and FP&A
  • Partnerships, deal-making, and strategic frameworks
Team of NYC-based former top-tier investment bankers, management consultants, CFOs, and investors

Pitch Readiness

  • Complete development of a pitch deck with strategy, analysis, copywriting and design
  • Inclusive of start to finish processes like reach out strategy, pitch coaching and select investor introductions
Crossing our technical finance and content building skills with experienced design leaders and visual storytellers

Branding & Deck Design

  • Brand identity (logo design, brand guidelines with custom font and color palette) and related assets
  • Pitch decks, iconography, infographics, illustrations, tear sheets and brochures
  • Website design and content development
Team specialized in branding and visual design & communication
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“Crafting a clear and concise message about the fund's purpose (or the "why") is one of the hardest things to do. The Lyonshare team took the heavy lift out of finding the right words and supporting data to deliver a deck suitable for the sophisticated investors our next raise will target.”

Fund GP

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“This kind of work is not to be taken lightly, and the amount of work that goes into developing this is quite evident in the results. While there was initial sticker shock, I knew I would be happy with the result of the work. Prospective clients need to know the level of professionalism you have is top notch, and they need to really be prepared to dig into their business to do some real work.”

Series A Founder

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Our actionable strategic finance skillset was honed over decades of experience spanning investment banking, investing, corporate strategy and executive leadership



Founded by Kelly Lyons

An investor, entrepreneur, and startup executive who has built new businesses that have raised more than $7B of capital across Wall St, Fortune 500 companies, and investment funds. Kelly is also the co-founder and CFO of consumer FinTech Trading.TV.

Past Experience

Casa, President and former CFO
XRC Labs, Selection Committee, Mentor, Advisor
Golub Capital, New Fund Launch and Investing
AIG, Global M&A and Strategic Planning
Morgan Stanley, Investment Banking

Ryan Pfeiffer

Director of Finance

  • 10+ years experience helping Fortune 500 companies raise capital as an investment banker, investing in Series A startups, and leading fundraises as an operator
  • Paravel, Sr. Director of Finance
  • Deutsche Bank, Investment Banking

Chiara Rachmanis

Chief of Staff

  • 3+ years experience in management consulting, Accenture
  • SomosVC, Ops & finance committee
  • 37 Angels, Active angel investor

Jessica Safko

Senior Designer

  • 10+ years experience visual design, brand ID development, professional photography
  • Founded design template business for entrepreneurs
  • Creates design tutorials with Shutterstock

Beka Espada


  • 2+ years experience in visual communication, layout, and advertising design
  • Brand identity and logo development freelancer

“The team is professional, considerate, smart, and will diligently build marketing materials to support the raise. I not only respect and appreciate the work they did, but also enjoyed working with them in the process. An exceptional team with a great outcome.”

Fund GP

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